Thursday, February 24, 2011

Presenter: Stan Romanek

--Fort McDowell, Arizona

I've written a post already on Stan so I don't have to go into the details on Stan. I can say that I met Stan and his wife Lisa earlier today and they are definitely nice, genuine people. Lisa will be coming out with a book soon and it will be nice to know her side of the story. Although Stan does a great job at talking about his experiences with full detail, there is an element missing to his story. That element would be the element of FEAR. What is it that they're going through when this stuff happens? I know there have been times when my alarm has gone off and I was totally freaking out. I believe Lisa will do a great job of detailing the emotional side of these experience.s I can't wait for her book.

Stan started the conference with a story about where UFO came down and de-activated a missile. He then went over many of the things that were in his first book. The problem ended up being that he has also lumped all of the new things onto his presentation that he was a bit hurried to get through everything.

Without going into the whole story now, I'm going to just say that Stan was used to create hybrid children on a regular basis. I recommend you read the book called MESSAGES for the whole story.

The truly unique thing about Stan's case is the amount of evidence. He has many pictures of everything , from the beginning, which he is happy to show anyone who wants to see them. And even though were able to see some of it , there was a lot that he had to skip in order to finish on time.

The first half of Stan's speech is about what happened from the beginning of his ordeal.  And while this is EXCELLENT information to hear, he's trying to cram in the old events with the new events and it's quite unfortunate that he's not able to play all of the media/evidence in his case.  He had to skip over some cool videos, audio recordings and such because he simply did not have enough time to show it to us.  After speaking with Lisa on this she said he would need at least a WEEK to get it all in.  This is why I sincerely wish he wish I could see only the stuff from now and not so much the stuff from earlier.  I do certainly understand that he wants to introduce his story to new people however I wonder if it could be possible for him to re-vamp his presentation to be more focused on the now of it.  It is possible to tell us the complete story, in a condensed fashion, within certain time restraints.  It's such compelling information that I, the viewee, really wanted to experience it too!

He did go into some of the newer stuff briefly, toward the end.  What was really nice to see was that he has been doing more of the hypnotic regressions and taping them.  He has an entity coming through him who is giving out all sorts of information about humanity and more.  Stan told us about one time where the entity was talking and one of the people there had a call come in on the her cell.  Stan put his hand up and the phone stopped ringing.  He said that he told her that he was sorry that he might have damaged the technology in the phone.  The lady was not able to find that phone on her person , where it was located previously.  However, she found in one of the bedrooms with other cell phones all lined up next to each other.  Amazing.

Personally, I find his case very similar to some of the stuff that Ms. Dolores Cannon write about in her books.  Even his testimony from the hypnotic regressions ring close to Dolores' work and I wonder if Stan's path will ever come across the knowledge of her work.  I think it would help him in some way.

He's finally coming out with his second book called "Answers".  He gave a CD with the first two chapters in ebook format to all of the conference attendees.  I'm so looking forward to reading this new information.  Stan has teamed up with another NY Times Best Selling author named GW Hardin.  Together, the two of them have written those first two chapters and are in the process of making more.   If you go to, you can pay a decent price of like $7+ to get the rest of the book, as it comes out in ebook format.  I ordered it immediately!

GW Hardin explained that he was called, in part, to help Stan relay the information to the world that this entity has been giving to him.  Personally, I find this to be really great.  You see, in my opinion, Stan's experience is an evolving process and I, as the lector, want to see more.  I remember after having read his first book, Messages, I wanted to know so badly what it was that Grandpa Grey was telling him in the regressions.  Stan does a great job show ing us his proof but I dare to say he's a bit worried about how the public might treat him when he sticks his neck out there by way of letting us into his private world of the regressions.  Stan's been really brave up until this part.  Don't stop now.

Part of his message in the new book, Answers,  that comes from the entities in his regressions is about how we as humans need to do better.  This refers to the way we treat our planet.  It's partly about being at a cross roads and choosing the right path to go down.  The entity told him that humans have to learn on their own.  We want to have so many rights to be certain ways and if we don't really get our act together, we will end up being very destructive and they would not allow that to happen.

 In summary, I don't believe everything I read, see, or hear.  And many skeptics out there say that if there's just one hole in anyone's story then that ruins his credibility and anything else that comes out of his mouth is bogus.  However, put this to you.  What about if just ONE of these stories is true then that's everything isn't it?

If you would like to find out more about Stan's journey, you can do so by visiting his website at or his site with information about the book

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