Saturday, February 26, 2011

Presenter: Leslie Kean

Fort McDowell, Arizona
I've seen LK on Comedy Central before on John Stewart.
LK's approach to dealing with this topic is quite different because she's is very diplomatic. That means she knows there is a way you have to be in dealing with the higher ups when it comes to UFOs. She says you should approach them by saying that there things that people can't explain that are flying around the sky. I've heard people talking about this where they say something along the lines of "air defense". And this makes sense because the truth is.. there ARE things flying around yup there that we can't explain. There are some people who assert there are Unidentified things up there that are actually OUR craft.

She ace us an exampel of how a govt handled a UFO event. This event happened in Belgium. A colonel at the time was assigned to ID what these things were flying over there country. Most of the objects were triangular with red light in the center. This event was coined "The Belguim Wave". There were a plethora of witnesses. In one case, there were two police officers who followed a ship to a lake then it sent out a red light ball to the water. They also saw these windows/light panels. Then a second craft appeared. After these two police saw these, one of the guys went to a monastery. The ship was seen hovering above monastery. This scared the police officer.

There was another event where a man and his wife saw a ship and he flashed his lights at the ship. The ship turned towards him and then flashed its lights at the man. The ship then followed the people on their journey back home. Again, they pretty much panicked.

Because this was a wave, there were MANY binder books completely full of witness sightings. And because these sightings occurred among important military people, the govt was involved and investigated it fully and openly. Amazingly enough, after some time the people wanted to know where things were with the govt.'s investigation and believe it or not the govt held a press conference regaring the developments they had gained at that time. REALLY. And the extra cool part is they had hard data of these incredible jumps these ships made from 0 to who knows in velocity. This is great because that's exactly what we need.

LK then showed us a similar batch or WAVE in the US and how we handled it and it was WAY different. It goes without saying that we DIDNT handle it unless it was done internally. What a contrast. Why?

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