Thursday, February 24, 2011

Presenter: Robert Dean

I'm here at the conference. So far it's been awesome. I've gotten to meet to people who I've been watching and listening to for quite a while. It's very exciting. I met Stan & Lisa Romanek too! That was a blast. I know he probably thought I was some crazy dude but I literally made a b-line toward when I saw his face.

So it's after 1pm now, on Wednesday, and next up is Sargent Major Robert Dean. He served in the Navy and had the HIGHEST level of Top Secret(Cosmic Top Secret) that anyone could have. And it's because of that level of access, he was exposed to what the government is hiding from the people.

He's been speaking out for over 20 years on this topic. In the process, he's been violating his National Security oath which is a big deal to him. You can tell he's from a military background because he's very direct and set in his way. He says that at his stage of life, he sees a friend die every so often. In one week from today, he will celebrate his 82nd birthday.

He and Wendell Stevens , in 1991, at the first IUFOC came out and began breaking his oath. That's when he first told the world that we are not alone in this world. The human race is a hybrid race. He says that we are a product of more intelligent race that engineered our genome. Not only that, but they are still doing it even to this very day. Coincidentally, we are starting to learn more in genetics by way of help from our friends. In much of the reading I've done on this topic, I've heard this. That the ETs plant ideas into our minds to inspire new thoughts and the direction of our world.

Robert Dean says that we are transcending into a new race. We are in flux, if you will. And in particular, I get the feeling that this is something that is happening NOW. I mean, people have been talking about this topic for quite some time but these days they are all saying the same thing about this transcendence.

Another topic that many people in this field have been talking about is called DISCLOSURE. RD says that people have been talking about this for a very long time and that we might as well hang it up. Disclosure is never going to happen. It's not that there are UFOs , ETs, and ships, and beings popping through portals back and forth. It's not about that. It's that these guys have been here for a very long time. Way before WE HUMANS have been here.

He even went on to give examples of locations where there are bases. Not only that but he said he has never been to a presentation, over the past years, where there wasn't an ET sitting in the room. He says they are everywhere and living amongst us. He said that when look at you and into your eyes, you KNOW. He paraphrased Ingo Swann on this.

He says they are monitoring us and they don't care about what the speakers say. They want to know how the audience reacts to the things the speakers say. They know we are in a transcendence. RD wants us to know that they are not here to take us over. They want us to thrive. It's not like the movies where people should worry about their lives!!

He brought up the Brookings Institute Study. It basically said that humanity is not ready to be informed about the truth os our relationship with the ETs and our link with them and who we really are. He told a story about a young jungle boy who was shown civilization and we returned home to the jungle , he died. He used this as the example of what may happen to the masses. Our "light may burn out".

Basically, Obama is never going to hold a press conference and come out with this stuff. However, He says that disclosure is happening right now via media. He mentioned psycotronic media(if I remember correctly). Dr Rosen(from another presentation) mentioned the same thing. Basically, we can be controlled to be aware and do things they want us to.

RD gave some examples from scientists and other important people like Verner Von Braun. These quotes were all the way from the 50s where these people, even then, were sticking their necks out to say that we are being visited and we are being given information. Contact was made a LONG TIME AGO and they are involved in way more things than we know.

David Fronning(sp?), who worked with an aerospace corp, said "We have had hyper-luminal flight for 30 years". This was in the early 90s. This is huge! Think about this. We can move way out into space and explore. Why don't we know this, as the human race? This type of flight sounds simliar to Bob Lazar's claims about how ships wrap a gravity field around them. Another, David Rich, said that something like a Stark Trek is actually not far from the truth.

RD said that we're not going back to the moon or putting stations on Mars or any of this stuff because IT ALREADY EXISTS. WE'VE ALREADY DONE IT. He gave an example of where in 98, 99, 00 the government said they lost 1.7 trillion dollars each year. He says this money was used to create an entirely separate shadow military that has already put things out into space. He also used another example of a young man in the news recently named Gary McKinnon who hacked into a NASA database and saw information that spoke about ships that are not accounted for in our governmental inventories anywhere. It does exist and it is out there.

RD showed us some photos from NASA and other world NASA-type agencies. He showed a picture of a ship that one of the Apollo astronauts took that was estimated to be 5 miles in length! Could you imagine the size of that? Good God! Most of the pictures were from the older missions. Some were not but most of them were taken by astronauts while in space.

His prize picture was from Voyager I where it was directed through the rings of Saturn. The astronomers saw some anomaly there in the rings. The picture was something the size of our moon, red in color. Many speculate this was a ship.

He showed another picture from space which showed another anomaly from Saturn. Norman Bergman. There they found an electo-magnetic construct(a non-naturally-created vehicle) that was 20 miles long!

He said that there is nothing to be afraid of. Even though we are going to be going through soem bad earth stuff like hurricanes and such. There is a positive future out there.

I have a lot of respect for Lt Col Robert Dean. What you're basically looking at is a person who lived a part of his life that was full of some really incredible stuff and now, in this stage, he's taking the time, in not-so-great health, to tell the world about it. He is dead-set in his beliefs and you can tell that he is a genuine person. What I get is, "It's time to wake up, people! There is a lot more going on out there than you would believe".

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