Monday, February 28, 2011

Presenter: Hon. Paul Hellier

Fort McDowell, Arizona
Hon. Paul Hellyer Ex-Minister of Defence for Canada

I do not know much from Paul Hellier so I am looking forward to this presentation. He used to be the Minister of Defence in Canada. I find this pretty cool because it shows that there are governments that are disposed to telling the truth about the UFO topic.

In the beginning of his presentation, he went into talking about ponzy schemes, bernie madeoff and the like. He says that even though this was illegal, there have been Kings and governments that have indeed lent the same money and charged a gig her interest on it in order to make more money off of it. Even when he was a boy, Canada had to keep a reserve of 8% in order to lend it out up to 12 times. This has increased dramactially even up to 21 + times. He continued on explaining about how money appears out of nowhere and how it's all a big, crazy game about how it just all snowballs and then ultimately gets really BAD. He said the banks turn the world into a big pawn shop. A world system where all money created is debt is a disaster in the making. This ultimately affects the little man.

HPH says that there are people who actually orchestrate these meltdowns on purpose. This proves, he says, that Wall Street is rotten to the core. Not only Wall Street but also the Rockefeller family.

So I'll break away from the details of this presentation and give you a link to the actual speech that the Hon. Paul Hellier read from. Additionally, I want to explain a little of what happened from here on a personal level.

So Mr. Hellier continues talking about how crummy the world is and how we really don't have out act together. I started to seriously question WHY he was talking about this stuff when he very cleverly brougth it right around to the UFO topic. I was blown away by what he said and I believe you will be too if you read the full PDF. Please do take the time to read this and PLEASE DO send it to someone else when you can.

He basically said that the governments of the world DO KNOW about the ET existence and they are watching what we do and how we handle things. Not only that but that we need to start NOW before its too late. With the technology that we could possibly obtain from these beings, we could bring the petroleum industry to its knees. We could live in a world where energy was limitless and cheap or FREE. As he was talking about this my mind really started pondering the possibilities of what mankind would be like in this type of a scenario. He also started there were ways NOW to use better sources of energy if we only stopped letting ourselves rely on these corrupt people. He said the change has to start from the common man. It will never happen from the top.

I would like to ask you to please do take the time to read the online version of his speech and I guarantee it will make a big impact on you too.

1 comment:

  1. Ok as an accountant this one is definitely an Eye Opener - Also very accurate in terms of there is very little real paper out there. I have said for quite a while that Social Security is a giant Ponzi Scheme now take that to the next level and you have banking.
